Protection classes
In Germany all electrical devices must be provided with several arrangements to protect the user from electric shocks. Also in the case of an error there must not occur any potential at the touchable housing parts. In Germany, protection class I, II or III must be complied with.

Protection class I
GDevices and luminaires with terminal connection for the earth wire, with which all touchable metal parts must be connected, which could assume electric potential in the case of an error.
The connection to the earth wire is obligatory required. The symbol/sign is placed at the terminal connection block.

Protection class II
For those devices there must not be any touchable metal parts which could directly assume electric potential in the case of an error. (Protective insulation or double insulation).
The luminaire must not have any earth wire connection/terminal and must not be connected with the earth wire.

Protection class III
Luminaires to be operated with safety extra low voltage (SELV), i.e. with potentials under 50V, which are produced by a safety transformer according to DIN VDE 0551 (EN60742) or which is sourced from batteries or accumulator batteries.
The luminaire must not have any earth wire connection/terminal and must not be connected with the earth wire.